How to Deposit in Casino Plus?

Depositing your online gambling funds is necessary in the casino online gaming process. This is why it is important to know how you can deposit your gaming funds in Casino Plus. Luckily, the deposit process is just easy. So if you want to get started here are the necessary steps to go through the deposit process:
  1. From the main functions, click on "Cashier".
  2. Click on the "Deposit" button.
  3. Enter the amount that you wish to deposit and click on the "CONFIRM" button.
  4. Choose the payment method that you prefer. Currently, Casino Plus accepts tons of payment methods such as GCash or Bank transfer.
  5. Enter the account number that you want to use to complete the payment.
  6. Please refer to the guidance on the page and complete your payment using the selected payment method.
  7. After completing the payment, kindly wait for a few minutes. Your credit will be automatically added to your account.
Casino Plus has a minimum-maximum and minimum amount when depositing funds. It is important to note this and also note that there are transaction fees that you need to pay for certain payment methods. Make sure to understand the necessary terms and conditions before making a move on your finances. When issues arise contact customer service support.


How to Deposit in Casino Plus

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